907-644-1200 | F: 907-644-1212 info@mtnt.net

MTNT Foundation

Supporting Our Shareholders and Descendants Through Their Educational Journey

Scholarship Guidelines and Deadlines

MTNT Foundation offers post-secondary General and Vocational Training/Continuing Education Scholarships to MTNT Shareholders and their descendants. Awards range from $500 per semester for part-time enrollment to $1,000 per semester for full-time enrollment in a degree seeking program; and up to $1,000 per semester for vocational training, continuing education or certification programs. It is the student’s responsibility to reapply for each funding period.

There are three deadlines: applications must be postmarked by 4 p.m. on March 17 (Summer 2025 term), July 15 (Fall 2025 term) and December 15 (Spring 2026 term).

General Scholarships

General Scholarships are for students enrolled either part-time or fulltime in a degree-seeking program at an accredited post-secondary school.

Vocational Training/Continuing Education Scholarships

Vocational Training/Continuing Education Scholarships are for students who are attending vocational training, continuing education or certification program of study.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for MTNT Foundation scholarships, applicants must:

  • Be an MTNT Shareholder or a descendant of an original Shareholder. If not a Shareholder of MTNT Ltd., submit a copy of your birth certificate as proof of your relationship to an original MTNT Shareholder (first time applicants).
  • Be accepted to an accredited college, university, technical or vocational school.
  • Be enrolled in a program that is at least six weeks or 120 hours long
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA for undergraduate students, 3.0 GPA for graduate or master’s degree students, or 3.25 GPA for specialists or doctorate students

If a new student applies with a GPA below these criteria, the student will be placed on probation for the first funding period. If a returning student’s GPA falls below these criteria during any funding period, the student will be placed on probation. If the student fails to increase his/her cumulative GPA to the minimum level during the probation period, sequential funding will be canceled and the student must successfully complete a semester on his/her own before reapplying for funding.

How to Apply

To apply for a MTNT scholarship, the following must be submitted by the Scholarship Deadline:

  • Complete and signed MTNT Scholarship Application Form
  • Most recent official transcripts
  • Letter of Acceptance
  • Proof of enrollment for each funding period
  • Statement of Purpose describing yourself, your goals and why you are pursuing the program

Applications may be emailed or mailed.

For more information, contact MTNT at 907-644-1200 or email info@mtnt.net.

2025 Deadlines

March 17 – Summer Term (2024)

July 15 – Fall Term (2025)

December 15 – Spring Term (2026)

MTNT, Ltd.
400 W. Tudor Rd., Ste. A400
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: (907) 644-1200
Fax: (907) 644-1212
Email: info@mtnt.net



The mission of MTNT and its family of companies is to increase corporate profitability, provide Shareholders with economic benefits and opportunities, and protect our corporate assets and land base while recognizing the traditional cultural values and subsistence lifestyles of our Shareholders.


We at MTNT share a common commitment to adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards with each other, are shareholders, our customers, suppliers and partners. As an Alaska Native Corporation and government contractor, it is imperative whether you are an employee, officer, director, consultant or agent that we all operate ethically in business relationships. We are committed to emphasizing each individual's responsibility to understand and strictly comply with the policies, procedures, laws, rules and regulations that govern MTNT. Exercising the highest ethical and professional standards is fundamental to MTNT's growth and future success.


Our Values

  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Respect
  4. Trust
  5. Responsibility
  6. Citizenship 

These values contained in our code of ethics and business conduct code, are the heart of who we are and what we do. This code has been adopted by the MTNT board of directors as the company's code of ethics and business conduct to serve as the foundation of MTNT. Our code shapes the culture of the company defines our character and summarizes the virtues and standards that guide our actions and business. It applies to MTNT together with its operating companies and subsidiaries. We expect our employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, contractors, representatives, vendors and suppliers to guide by them as well.

Corporate Office
400 W. Tudor Road, Suite A400
Anchorage, AK 99503

+1 907-644-1200
