907-644-1200 | F: 907-644-1212 info@mtnt.net


Takotna is located in Interior Alaska on the north bank of the Takotna River in a broad scenic river valley, 17 air miles west of McGrath in the Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mountains. It has been known as Berry Landing, Portage City, Takotna City, Takotna Station, and Tacotna. In 1908, merchants in Bethel hired Arthur Berry to bring supplies up the Takotna River. The village was founded at the farthest point on the river Berry’s small sternwheeler was able to reach. By 1912, the community had several stores that supplied miners. Gold discoveries in the upper Innoko Region enabled the town to prosper.

By 1919, there were several commercial companies, roadhouses, a post office, and about 50 houses. In 1921, the Alaska Road Commission improved the Takotna-Ophir road, and an airfield was constructed. In 1923, a radio station began broadcasting in Takotna, and the town had its own newspaper, The Kusko Times. Low waters at times precluded the arrival of steamboats, so the Takotna-Sterling Landing road was constructed to the Kuskokwim River in 1930. In 1949, construction was begun on nearby Tatalina Air Force Station. It was the site of a White Alice Communications System, but operations were phased out during the 80’s.

A federally-recognized tribe is located in the community – the Takotna Village. Access to Takotna is by air or water. The community has 80 miles of local roads that connect with Tatalina AFS, Sterling Landing, and existing mines. A winter trail is marked to McGrath and is a checkpoint for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race.

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The mission of MTNT and its family of companies is to increase corporate profitability, provide Shareholders with economic benefits and opportunities, and protect our corporate assets and land base while recognizing the traditional cultural values and subsistence lifestyles of our Shareholders.


We at MTNT share a common commitment to adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards with each other, are shareholders, our customers, suppliers and partners. As an Alaska Native Corporation and government contractor, it is imperative whether you are an employee, officer, director, consultant or agent that we all operate ethically in business relationships. We are committed to emphasizing each individual's responsibility to understand and strictly comply with the policies, procedures, laws, rules and regulations that govern MTNT. Exercising the highest ethical and professional standards is fundamental to MTNT's growth and future success.


Our Values

  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Respect
  4. Trust
  5. Responsibility
  6. Citizenship 

These values contained in our code of ethics and business conduct code, are the heart of who we are and what we do. This code has been adopted by the MTNT board of directors as the company's code of ethics and business conduct to serve as the foundation of MTNT. Our code shapes the culture of the company defines our character and summarizes the virtues and standards that guide our actions and business. It applies to MTNT together with its operating companies and subsidiaries. We expect our employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, contractors, representatives, vendors and suppliers to guide by them as well.

Corporate Office
400 W. Tudor Road, Suite A400
Anchorage, AK 99503

+1 907-644-1200
